At the meeting of the Society on Thursdav the 1st of Man:11,-111s Royal Highness the Duke of SessEx, President, in the Chair,—Lord Viscount Cole and Charles Oetavius Morgan, Esq. were ,ohnitted Fellows of the Royal Society. The Venerable George Glover, '.f. A. Arcluloaron of Sudbury, Dr. James Clark, of George Street, Hanover Square, and lir. Hope. Phyeician to the St. Marylebone Infirmary, were proposed as candidates for allmiseien. The sequel of Dr. Marshall Hall's met, " On the Ratio which exists between Respiration and Irritability in the Annual Kingdom, and on llybernation," was read. The following presents were announced—A complete copy of the Charts, Plans, Views, and Sailing Directions constructed under the orders of the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty; presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Ad- miralty. A Manuscript copy of Dr. Black's Lectures, taken by the late John Rennie, Esq. F.R.S. The Second Edition of Mr. De la Beche's Geological Manual. Recherches Sur la Reproduction et la Mortalit6 de l'Homme aux difTkens ages, et stir la Population de la Belgique; par M. Quetelet. Re- cherches sur he penchant au Crime aux differens ages. Lewes a M. le Baur- gomestre de la Ville de Bruxelles, stir la Construction de l'Observatoire de
Bruxelles; by the same author.
At the meeting last Thursday, March Sdn—Dr. MATON, V.P. in the Chair, —the Honourable William Francis Spencer Ponsonby was admitted a Fellow of the Society. The reading of Dr. Marshall Hall's paper was concluded. The following presents were announced,—viz. A Catalogue of the Library of the Athenteum, Liverpool • presented by Dr. Roget. A Historical and Topo- graphical Description of Liverpool; and its Environs; by Thomas Faulkner, Esq. The Huuterian Oration for I832, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons ; by Samuel Cooper, Esq.