A Description of a Singular Aboriginal Race inhabiting the Neilgherry Hills. or Blue Mountains of Cohnbatoor, in the Southern Peninsula of India. By Captain Henry Harkness, of the Madras Army Smith and Elder STATIST rcs. The British Dominions in North America; or a Topographical and Statistical De- scription of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick. Nova Scotia, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Cape Breton, including Considerations on Land-granting and Emigration, Sze. By Joseph Bouchette, Esq. Surveyor-General of Lower Canada. '2 yob.. 4to . Co/turn and Bentley. British America. By John M‘Gregor, Esq. :2 vols. Blackwood, Edinburgh. HISTORY,
Life and Reign of George the Fourth. Vol. III. (Lardneis Cabinet Library,
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Gleig's Eminent British Military Commanders. ;;VoL II. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, No, 25.) 1 ongnian and Co.
TheMind,and otherPoems. ByCharlesSsvain. Secondedition. Simpkins:rid Marshall. Attila. a Tragedy ; and other Poems T mad Tr. Boone. 1+41mair. HISTORY. Scripture Natural history; or tt'Descriptive Account of the Zoology, Botany, and Geology of the Bible. by William Carpenter. Second edition.
Book Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge.