THE author of this book is the same WILLIA.:4 CARPENTER whose political writings, sold and circulated without the newspaper stamp, caused him to be imprisoned. It is only apparently of a different aspect from the author's other writings, he tells us : we can assure the world, however, that there is really no resemblance between the two pursuits. We very much doubt the utility of Mr. CAR- PENTER'S Penny Papers ; while very little doubt can exist as to the usefulness and creditableness of the publication before us. It con tains very full and sufficient accounts, as well as they can be ga- thered from Scripture itself, and from books of travels ancient and modern, of every beast, bird, fish, insect, metal, mineral, plant, and flower of which mention is made in the Bible. These descriptions are plainly and intelligibly written, in a popular man- ner; and are illustrated with wood-cuts, which, though not of first- rate excellence, will give life to the work in the eyes of the younger readers. The work is got up in the cabinet fashion ; and ought, in the absence of more elaborate works, such as CALMET•S, to form a part of every library, more especially every cabinet library.