The quarantine in Belgium has been further modified. It is
now, for suspected places, from six to twenty days; for infected places, from ten to thirty days, according to the discretion of the officers. Vessels are permitted to perform quarantine in the canal of Nieuport. There have been some slight skirmishing between the Dutch and Belgians at the Capitalen Dam ; and some wounds have been given and received by both sides. There have also been several quarrels at Maestricht between the Dutch commander and LEOPOLD'S Customhouse officers; but no damage, unless of au- thority, has been sustained by the latter.
The news received from Madrid is conflicting. A( cording to one account, the Ambassadors of France and England have pre- vailed on FERDINAND to lay aside all thoughts of ititerposing to protect MIGUEL ; according to others, fresh troops ara itill direct- ing their march towards the Portuguese frontier.