10 MARCH 1832, Page 3

We had lately a Black insurrection in Jamaica ; this

week we have a White insurrection in St. Lucia. On the 4th January, the White inhabitants met in the Court-house ; when resolutions of a very stiong kind were passed, and a Committee was appointed to draw up a petition to both Houses of Parliament, in telms of the resolutions, complaining that, by the interference of the Govern- ment at home,

" The am lunity of the master had been unnecessarily restricted ;

" The nalural bonds qf attack lent between the master and lii Lve loosened ;

" The slave, a recognized legal prorrry, consid2rably value ; " The land, which in these colonies has onk a relative t.rtel whieh is altogether subordinate to tit..! extent of etticure effected by sl:,ve labour, cmii- mashe t,) a frightful extent; " The prodmv of the colony in the past year decreased nearly a million and a half ,dpounds of sugar ; " The colonial expenditure increased, and the public money so wantonly squandered, that the colonial trez:sury was reduced to a state of bankruptcy."

The Meeting called on the Governor to suspend the Govern- ment orders until their petition was heard and considered. The Governor, Lieutenant-Colonel BOZON, stated, that he was not au- thorized to suspend the Government orders, but professed his will- ingness to send home any petition ; and expressed a hope that it would be couched in more moderate language than the resolutions. The Meeting immediately resolved to pay no taxes, unless com- pelled; to refuse every employment under Government that tended to carry the Orders in Council into effect: and to fortify: their oppo- sition by a subscription fund. The first effect of these resolutions was the general shutting up of the shops, the owners refusing to take out the necessary licences. The Governor, whom it was thus attempted to starve into terms, laid an embargo on all the vessels in the port, except one, which he was about to despatch to Marti- nique for provisions and aid. No sooner had the merchants learned this, than they attempted to smuggle letters aboard the vessel, directed to their friends in Martinique, to dissuade them front compliance with the Governor's request, on the ground that there being no money in the colonial chest, the bills never would or could be paid. The bearer of the merchants' letters was caught in the fact ; his letters broken open, and six of his employers sent to prison, on a charge of conspiring against the Government. So much for the patriots of St. Lucia.