Cbc Court.
The people of Windsor received their Majesties on Saturday, as is well their part, with all heartiness and homage. The streets were lined with spectators to witness their arrival, and in the evening there was an illumination of the tradesmen's houses. The Royal party, it is said, will remain at the Castle until October. The King came to town on Thursday, in order to hold a Levee ; when the following pre-
sentations took place—
by Lord James O'Bryen. Companion of the Bath.
Trinity House. Sod Life Guards.
Queen's County, claiming the title of Sir T. Hardy.
lion. C. Tennyson. Extra Naval Aide-de-Camp.
!Louse, by Capt. Woolanore. from service in India_ Mr Robert Sanderson, by Viscount Cole. Cornet A. Peyton. on his appointment to Dr. Bresys ter, minting nominated a Knight the 12th Royal Lancers.
Capt. I >rely, Elder Brother, Trinity House, by Sir J. Kempt. by Capt. Woolmore. Lieut.-Col. Blanc. on his marriage. Mr. H. Matthew Clarke, by the Right Lieut.-Col. Reid, ou his promotion, by Col. Hon. C. Grunt. Hon. E. Lygon. Mr. Montagu Burgoyne, to present two Capt. Watson, by Col. Sir H. Watson, C.B. Publications—one, " A Letter to Lout C.T.S.
ors of his Majesty's Woods and Forests;" by Maj.-Gen. Barton.
nors and Directors of the Public Charity Gibraltar.
Capt. Timbrell, Elder Brother, Trinity intro. House, by Capt. Woolmore.. Lieut. 'Mini., by tient:Col. Creagh. Mr. Titbit.. of Raleigh House, Brixton hill, Major Beckwith, on haying received the by Major-Gen. Sir S. Smith. 3rd Class of tin Guelph. mler. 3Ir. Askew, on his marriage, by Sir W. Lient..Col. Creagh, on appoint:LIM to the Fremantle. 56th Regiment. Mr. F. Macmill, by the Duke of Argyll. Capt. Mayne, by Lord F. Somerset. Rev. J. Worrell Ilyes, by Sir J.Whatley. Capt. Coartenav, R.N., on his appointment Mr. Stare, on his appointment as Deputy as Consul ht
Licut.-Gea. Si-: A. Fitztntrald, 31. P. on his Worettster.
Lieut.-Gen. Cnnuning, by Gen. Sir Gordon Sir J. Graham.
Drummond. Capt. Ilamilton. by Gen. Lord Howden. Mr. Horne, Sheriff of Haddington, by the Capt. W. 1100o:boil his prompt ion,by Col.
Earl of Haddington. Mackinnon.
Mr. Savory, Gentleman of his Majesty's Capt. A. 1'. Hamilton, R.N., on his return Most lion. Privy t thamber. from the Com hunt.
Viscount Torringt on, Lieut. 701 Fusilecrs, Colonel With e, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. Fitz.
byMr. F. Ilyng. gerahl. Lieut.-Geo. Sir W. Peacocke, on his ap- Lient.-Col. Balfour, on his arrival from the
pointment 1 K.C.II. Manrit ins.
:Rear-Admiml Maling,. by Sir J. Graham. Lieut.-Col. Cornwall.= promotion,by Col.
Hon. and lice. R. Eden, on his appoint- Mackinnon. ment as Chaplain to his Majesty.
Capt. Stephenson, Elder Brother of the Mr. L. Bowen, on his appointment to the Mr..Garret Butler, of Garrendumy Castle. Capt. Broughton, R.N., on promotion, by Lent Viscount Galway, by the Right Capt. H. Parker. on his appointment as Capt. Gooch, Elder Ittother of the Trinity Capt. W. C. jervoise, R.N., on his return of the Guelphie Order. Major Blauchard, on his return to E ugland, Doncannon and the Lords Commission- Capt.Barton,on his return from Barbadoes, the other, " An Address to the Guyer- Limit.-Col. J. Marshall, on his return from
Schools." Major Ramsey, by Maj.-Gen. Sir J. Cork.
Lieutenant ttf Kent. Lieut. 11. 11. Clarke, by the Marquis of return to Parliament'. Cut t. Wy, ill, RN., on his promotion, by The repetition of such conduct as that which we had occasion to remark on last week, either by the Duke of Wellington or his humble imitators, has been provided against by an order, which calls on
sons presenting presenting petitions at the Levee,- and wishing to make any state- ment of their contents and objects, to note the same on the back of the card presented to the officer in attendance.
The King returned to Windsor after the Levee was over. The Duchess of Gloucester is still tadisposed, and the bulletin of yesterday states that she had passed an indifferent night.
We have lately learnt the particulars of a munificent act of Royal bounty, that took place a few days previous to their Majesties' depar- ture from Brighton for town, which reflects so much credit and honour =on the humane and benevolent heart of the Sovereign, that itis with the utmost pleasure we advert to it. It having been intimated to the Royal ears that an officer in the Navy, residing at Brighton with his wife and five children, had been obliged to leave his home through the apprehension of arrest for debt, and that during his absence an execu- tion had been put into his house, which having remained several days =satisfied, the property, even to the very beds the family lay upon, was about being removed to be sold ;. his Majesty, on hearing this, in the .promptest manner instantly replied, "Go, pay it immediately, never mind what it is, and turn the fellows out." While preparations were going on for the removal of the goods, the lady was astounded by the intelligence that the demands were satisfied, and was convinced of the fact by seeing the officers retire, but still ignorant how it had been ac- complished, or who was her generous benefactor that had •saved her • from immediate ruin. On the following day, the visit of a female from the Pavilion to inquire what was the amount of the debt which was the cause of her husband's absenting himself, enlightened her mind as to the noble author of her salvation. The particulars having been com- municated to the King, his Majesty, in the most gracious and generous manner, ordered the debts instantly to be paid ; and further directed it to be made known to the lady, that he would see what could be dune for her husband to enable him for the future better to provide for his fitmily.—Moraing Chronicle.