10 MARCH 1894, Page 16



Sra,—In gratitude for the " howlers " which you published in the Spectator of March 3rd, on the authority of your correspondent "W. M. T.," I send you from my own collection the following samples, which have, I think, attained as yet to

only private circulation. The manner in which the cate- cumens arrived at their answers is generally too obvious to need explanation:—

Q. Describe Cromwell's continental policy.—A. Cromwell was very well behaved and quiet. He had nine children.

Q. When was Clive born ?—A. In 1757, at the age of 18.

Q. What was the object of the Censorship at Rome P—A. It was established to put down celibacy, profligacy, and other vices.

Q. Give the meaning and derivation of " discrimen."—A. The crisis of a battle ; from " dis," in every direction, and " crimen," a charge.

Q. What was the sound of the Greek Digamma P—A. Like a big drum.

Q. Translate Eqcigevos Tpeis xriugipas geuaev.-4. Having sworn three dams, he sacrificed.

Q. What was the purport of the Sermon on the Mount P- A. Our Lord said, "If a man smite thee on the right cheek, smite him also on the other."

Q. Write a short biography of Joab.—A. Joab is my washpot. Q. What is a Parable P—A. A heavenly story with no earthly meaning.

Q. Define a circle.—A. A circle is that which may be drawn from any point to any space.