Government By Deputation.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR:1 zSra,—Teehnically speaking, the Constitution of this country only changes at long intervals, and after considerable die- -cussion and......
The Children Of Agnostics.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:I Sfa,—In an article in the Spectator of February 17th, on "The Children of Agnostics," you use the words,—" A con- clusion which one rejects......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sul,—mr. Ludlow,...
on " contracting-out " you published in the Spectator of March 3rd, is undoubtedly as high an authority as any man in the Kingdom on all questions connected with Friendly......
Mr. Gladstone's Resignation'.
[To THE EDITOR or THE 'SPECTATOR") SIR,—Is it so certain, as some suppose, that the retirement of Mr. Gladstone has seriously darkened the prospects of the Liberal Party at the......