Entitled "a Salvation Lass," In Which Is Given The...
of a simple, pious girl for the sake of a product of modern sceptical culture who loves her, and whom she wishes to "save." The author of "Some Passages in the Life of Heine"......
The New Number Of The Leisure Hour Is Remarkable For
the variety and general excellence of its contents, but is nowise striking. The Rev. S. (4. Green contributes what is essentially a good paper on Dean Stanley, but it has a......
The Magazines.
So much has occurred, and in so short a space of time, that the political articles in the magazines of the month all seem a little belated. Mr. Goldwin Smith, on "The Impending......
The New Number Of The Gentleman's Magazine Is Interesting...
than notable, and perhaps among the subjects treated there is just a superfluity of well-worn topics. Yet Mr. Ropes' book, "The Campaign of Waterloo," supplies an adequate......
Current Literature.
The magazine symposium, even upon a burning question, has latterly become a bit of a bore, and it may be doubted if the ever-energetic and up-to-date editor of the New Review......
The March Number Of The Sunday Magazine Is An Exceptionally
strong one—strong, too, in virtue of what may be termed the secular articles. Thus, there is an excellent paper on" Calabria," by Mr. E. W. Wood ; and "In Search of a......
The March Number Of Temple Bar Is A Good Average,
rather than a specially notable, one, perhaps because the miscellaneous inform- ing papers, which have long been such a feature of this magazine, would appear to have been......