SIR--The offices of the Committee of African Organisations and the Anti-Apartheid Movement were destroyed by fire on Saturday, March 4, while a demonstration was taking place in Hyde Park against the arrival of Dr. Verwoerd. Scotland Yard are investigating and arson is suspected. Our organisations are in urgent need of new offices and equipment to carry on our work, especially the anti-apartheid campaign during the coming weeks.
We are therefore appealing for funds from all those who oppose apartheid and believe in the independence of African States. Donations should be addressed to: The Treasurer, CAO/A-A Appeal, 200 Gower Street, NWI. (Mail is being collected for the time being from the Post Office while alternative arrangements are being made.)—Yours faithfully, BARBARA CASTLE (Chairman. London Committee Anti-Apartheid Movement) DENNIS PHOMBEAll (Secretary-General. Committee of Al ncan Organisations) VELLA PILLAN' (Treasurer, Anti-Apartheid Movement)