In Hospital With My Son Sm.—isabel Quigly Seems To Assume
that the power to admit the mother lies entirely with the tattleaxe,' nurse or sister. In hospital (in London) where I trained, the sister and matron were anxious to extend......
SIR --The offices of the Committee of African Organisations and the Anti-Apartheid Movement were destroyed by fire on Saturday, March 4, while a demonstration was taking place......
Androids All
SIR. ---Win Mr Golding allow a little pedantry about science fiction? The phrase itself was used first about 1931- such alternatives as, I am afraid, 'scientific- non having......
A Share In Revolutions
S1R,—Can your reviewer, who asks why Tom Paine has lost his influence, be the brilliant Professor Barraclough who was rebuking English historians for their insularity so......
Sir,--i Was Much Moved And Impressed By Peggy Jay's Letter
describing how she sat for four (1.0.s at her daughter's bedside in hospital. But it should be pointed out that twenty-one years ago I, then aged two and a half, was taken to......
Sitt,—how Much I Agree With Isabel Quiglv About The...
of allowing mothers to go into hos- pital with their small children. There is, too, on the other side, a problem which many mothers must face who themselves have to go into......