10 MARCH 1961, page 15

Trading Stamps

SIR,-- Mr. Cyril Ray's amusing article in your Febru- ary 17 edition on the opening of the first super- market in North London to give away 'Star Trading Stamps' may have......


SIR --The offices of the Committee of African Organisations and the Anti-Apartheid Movement were destroyed by fire on Saturday, March 4, while a demonstration was taking place......

Sir,—robert Muller's Comments On Bbc Televi- Sion's...

Riefenstahl are interesting. though I think he has misunderstood the whole point of the programme. As he says, the BBC did not in any direct way 'point the finger' at Miss......

Sir,—may I Add To Mr. Carter-ruck's Comment.

hich surely goes far to meeting the criticisms in your leading article, My own deeply felt doubts on the desirability of legislation to define contempt? If there is any single......

The Romantic Miss Riefenstahl

SIR --Robert Muller wrote an article proving that Lcni Riefenstahl was pro-Hitler. B. A. Young finds the article 'completely opposed to that concept of freedom for which we were......