10 MAY 1884, Page 24

We have received :—A third edition of The Student's Guide

to the Bar, by W. W. R. Ball (Macmillan), giving a useful account of the preliminaries necessary to a "call," scholarships and prizes, course of study, books, &c.—The Shareholder's Legal Guide, by Alfred Emden (W. Clowes and Sons).—Burma, by the Author of "Oar Burmese Wars and Relations with Burmah" (W. H. Allen and Co.), which points out the importance of this country with especial relation to recent proceedings of France in the East.—Wiesen, by A. F. Tucker Wise (Bailliere, Tindal, and Co.)—Wiesen is about eleven miles from Davos Platz, and is little more than three hundred feet lower. It is slightly warmer and has less wind, being very com. pletely shut-in with mountain ranges. For the present, at all events, it has the advantage of being less frequented. Hence Dr. Wise re- commends it " as a health resort in early phthisis," adding genera} • " directions for clothing, diet, and exercise in the Swiss Alps daring winter."—The ' Pandora's' Log ; or, Our Ulster Ccimpaign, by Vivian Grey (Remington), a somewhat smart skit on Sir Stafford Northcote's

Ulster campaign. Kokat, Karam, and Khost, by Richard Gillham- Thomsett (Remington), recording the experiences of an army surgeon daring the last'Afghan war.—South Africa : a Sketch-Book of Men, Manners, and Facts, by James Stanley Little. Vol. I. (W. Swan,. Sonnenschein, and Co.)—Psalms and Hymns for the Church, by William J. Irons, D.D. (J. T. Hayes.)—The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe; with illustrations by W. L. Taylor (Griffith and Farran.)— Evening, by the Rev. John Keble; illustrated (Griffith and Fan-an.) —In the Pond and on the Hill, translated from the Norwegian of Bishop Bergen' Nive, by Miss Jessie Young (Snttaby.)—Life of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, by Targot, Bishop of St. Andrews ; translated from the Latin by William Forbes-Leith, S.J. (W. Pater- son, Edinburgh).—Where did Life Begin ? by. G. Hatton Scribner- (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.)—The Colony of British Honduras, by D. Morris, M.A. (Stanford).—The account of a .visit paid by the author, who is " Director of Public Parks and Gardens in Jamaica," by invitation of the Government.—Early Experiences of Life in South Australia, by John Wrathall Bull (R. S. Wigg and Son, Adelaide, South Australia ; Sampson Low and Co., London.) *--Over the Holy Land, by the Rev. J. A. Wylie (Nisbet.)— Ridgway's Parliamentary Manual, 1884 (Ridgway.)