10 MAY 1884, page 14

A R T.

GROSVENOR GALLERY: [FIRST NOTICE.] THE Grosvenor Gallery has not this summer, taking the aver- age of the pictures, so good an exhibition as usual; but it is a remarkable one,......

How Do Dogs Perspire ?

[To THR EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sul, — Mr. R. L. Stevenson is undoubtedly right in saying a dog "would be often wet with sweat." After following me for some nine or ten......

Courtesy In Birds.—the Duck.

[To TRY EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — The two illustrations of courtesy in birds given by your correspondent in the Spectator of April 19th are attractive and interesting.......

Modern Writers Of Fiction.

[To THE EDITOR - OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your article on the late Mr: Charles Reade, in your issue of April 19th, are you not a little unjust to the many able writers of......