10 MAY 1884, page 24

Where Shall I Educate My Son ? By Charles Eyre

Pascoe. (Houlston and Sons.)--Mr. Pascoe describes his book as a manual for parents of moderate means. He deals, it will be seen, mainly with the financial aspect' of the......

Press Of This Book Consists Of A Number Of Brief

extracts from various works belonging to the golden age of Spanish literature, the most famous among them being "Don Quixote," "Gil Blas," and "The Bachelor of Salamanca." "......

We Have Received :—a Third Edition Of The Student's Guide

to the Bar, by W. W. R. Ball (Macmillan), giving a useful account of the preliminaries necessary to a "call," scholarships and prizes, course of study, books, &c.—The......

De Rebus Africanis : The Claims Of Portugal To The

Congo. By the Earl of Mayo. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—" I trust," says Lord Mayo in his preface, " that I explain exactly what the Portuguese want, and what the English Government......

The House Of White Shadows. By B. L. Farjeon. 3

vols. (Tinsley • Brothers.)—A more dismal story than this it would not be easy to imagine. The " house " which is the scene of the story belongs to a family in which domestic......

Sir. David Wedderburn, Bart., M.p. Compiled From His...

Writings, by his Sister, Mrs. E. H. Percival. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Sir David Wedderburn was an accomplished man, of much general culture. A very great part of his life......