According to Friday's papers the Austrian and Italian Ambassadors at
Thursday's conference in London submitted the draft of a proposed Constitution for Albania, which was drawn up by the two Cabinets concerned last December. The general stipulations are said to be that Albania is to be an autonomous State under the suzerainty of the Sultan; that her coasts will be neutralized ; that Servia will be provided with commercial access to the Adriatic through Albanian terri- tory; that the connecting link of railway will be placed under the control of the Powers, with an international body of gendarmes specially organized to defend it ; and that a free harbour will be created at the sea terminus. The Powers are, of course, not obliged to accept this Constitution, but no doubt something like it will be agreed to. For ourselves, we hope that for the suzerainty of the Sultan, which would give no strength to Turkey but would be very likely a cause of trouble, some form of internationalization will be substituted.