The Daily Telegraph, In Its Issue Of Friday, States That
the assent of all the Great Powers and also of Turkey has now been given to the draft treaty of peace. Though the Allies have not yet replied, it is believed that they will all......
News Of The Week.
T HE great event of the week in foreign affairs has been the passing, at any rate for the time, of the menace to peace. On Tuesday it was announced that King Nicholas of......
According To Friday's Papers The Austrian And Italian...
Thursday's conference in London submitted the draft of a proposed Constitution for Albania, which was drawn up by the two Cabinets concerned last December. The general......
On Monday, In The Commons, Mr. Dickinson Moved The Second
reading of his Woman Suffrage Bill for enfranchising not only widows and spinsters with the household qualification, but also the wives of men having that qualification. The......
King Alfonso Arrived In Paris On Wednesday And Was Very
heartily received, although anarchists had issued manifestoea of protest. In the morning there was a review in front of the Invalides. At the Elysee, where the King had......
Tuesday's Times Reports The Revision Of The Swiss...
by a Federal Referendum on Articles 69 and 31—the proposed alterations having been accepted by a majority of 57,000. As a result of this vote the Government and not the cantons......
No Extension Of The Franchise, Said Mr. Asquith, Had Ever
been on such a large scale as that proposed by the Dickinson Bill. The existing electorate had expressed no approval of it. Of course, the House could deal with the question if......