THE great event of the week in foreign affairs has been the passing, at any rate for the time, of the menace to peace. On Tuesday it was announced that King Nicholas of Montenegro had agreed unconditionally to place Scutari in the hands of the Powers for their disposal—in order, of course, that they may include it in the new Albanian State. Whether Montenegro is to have compensation, and if so what, has not yet been announced, but no doubt terms of some sort were made with the diplomatists of the Black Mountain. We have dealt else- where with the subject as a whole, but must note here that though the great moderation shown by Russia and the tendency of Austria-Hungary to act much more reasonably than she talks have given excellent assurances that almost any obstacle likely to be encountered in the way of the Powers will somehow or other be surmounted, the drawing of the Albanian frontier and the settlement of that unsettled State present no common difficulties.