The London County Council Decided Without Discussion On...
act on the recommendation of the General Purposes Committee and seek from Parliament authority to subscribe £30,000 towards the purchase of the Crystal Palace and grounds. At......
In A Very Able Judgment Lord Shaw Emphasized The Dangers
involved in the unwarranted encroachment of the courts on the rights safety and freedom of citizens by violating the principle of the open administration of justice. It was in......
That Is Thoroughly Sound Advice. In This Connexion We May'
quote the following sentences from a leading article which appeared in these columns five weeks ago—on April 5th :— " Though perhaps it may open us to the accusation of unctuous......
The Installation Of The Duke Of Northumberland As Chan-...
of Durham University on Saturday opened a new chapter in the history of the foundation, this being the first time that the Chancellorship has been separated from the Deanery......
We Are Very Glad To See That Sir William Lever
has renewed his generous offer to the nation of the twenty-eight years' lease of Stafford House. The offer originally made last December was withdrawn in March, in consequence......
In His Speech At The Annual Demonstration Of The Primrose
League at the Albert Hall on Friday week Lord Curzon referred to the Marconi affair. The prudence and candour, as well as the honour, of public men were a precious possession of......
The " Oil " Crisis Has, We Confess, Come Into
practical politics rather sooner than we expected, but that is no subject for regret. If those who are weak and are also exposed to pecuniary temptations in the matter—and the......
An Appeal Case Of The Utmost Importance Was Decided In
the House of Lords on Monday. The petitioner in a nullity suit, which the judge had ordered to be heard in camera, had after judgment in her favour sent transcripts of the full......
On Wednesday The Marconi Committee Received The Report Of...
expert accountant who, with the Chairman, had been through the pass-books of the two Ministers. The report showed that the pass-books contain no evidence of any other......
Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.
April 17th. Consols (21) were on Friday 75 ? a —Friday week: 741.......