We are very glad to see that Sir William Lever
has renewed his generous offer to the nation of the twenty-eight years' lease of Stafford House. The offer originally made last December was withdrawn in March, in consequence of questions put in the House which Sir William Lever held to suggest that he had been actuated by mercenary and improper motives in making his proposal. In consequence of representations made by the Prime Minister, Sir William Lever has reconsidered his decision and renewed the offer, which has been gratefully accepted by the Government. In conveying his thanks, Mr. Asquith approves of Sir William Lever's suggestions that Stafford House might be used to house the collections of the London Museum, now temporarily installed at Kensington Palace, and that some of the rooms might be utilized for the entertainment by the Government of distinguished visitors to London. The central position and fine rooms of Stafford House render it highly suitable for the purposes indicated, but we hope that the London Museum will not be concentrated in one building. A certain amount of decentralization is desirable in order that the collections may be exhibited in the most appropriate surroundings.