That is thoroughly sound advice. In this connexion we may'
quote the following sentences from a leading article which appeared in these columns five weeks ago—on April 5th :—
"Though perhaps it may open us to the accusation of unctuous rectitude, we wish to say a word in season about oil. Undoubtedly this problem of the use of oil is going to be one of the questions of the future. That being so, no Cabinet Minister, and no man who expects to be a Cabinet Minister, no naval officer, and no civil servant likely to have to advise on or to deal with the question, should have anything to do with oil shares or with Stock Exchange
transactions that depend upon oil, whether in this country or in any other. All persons in any position of public trust, that is, must look ahead and remember that if oil is adopted for the Navy there will, for the time at any rate, be a tremendous boom in oil and oil shares. Therefore Ware oil' must be the word for all politicians, for all persons directly or indirectly connected with the Government, and also for all who desire to guide public opinion on this matter."