[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I touch on your query* as to whether the code of honour given in "Loneeraft " is intended as a substitute for or merely an addition to the regular Scout Law P Must it be either one or the other P Suppose we give a crust of bread to a beggar, can we call it a substitute for or an addition to the dinner he has no chance of getting ? The author certainly does not attempt to substitute his own regime for the regula- tion diet, nor even to offer it as an addition to that substantial meal. Truth to say, it is merely something to stay the empty stomach withal. Boys are plentiful, but Scoutmasters are scarce—there are nothing like enough to go round. Where is the would-be Scout to get his information or to pick up any instruction ? The official book of regulations issued from head- quarters is far too large and involved for any boy to grapple with. It is intended for Scoutmasters and grown-ups. Thompson Seton's " Woodcraft " is not only too bulky but far too expensive. The need of something in the way of a self-instructor was evident. This little book claims to give the boy about as much as he can teach himself without a Scoutmaster. It is intended not only for the village boy, but also for the still more lonely lad who comes home from school and has "nothing to do." The small differences are purposely inserted that it may not appear to be the School for Scouts, but only a preparatory school. Until the number of good and efficient Scoutmasters is at least doubled there will be a need for some such book. The number of Boy Scouts could be easily doubled at once if Scoutmasters were attainable. The Chief Scout cannot reap his own harvest for want of skilled labourers. It might be thought that some considerable portion of grown-up Scouts would become Scoutmasters, but the boys when they go to • Books for Boy Scouts, May .3rd,
work are mostly swallowed up in busy centres, and the out- lying country is not profited.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Lonccraft Camp, Latimer, Chesham, Bucks.