Sis,—In the letter on "Prospects in Greece," published in your issue of May 3rd, your correspondent, Mr. Pat Sloan, makes the statement that "notorious Fascists and collaborators with the enemy dominate the Greek State." This is a very serious charge which, if substantiated, would tend to discredit the present Greek Government in the eyes of the British public. The following is the record of the four principal Populist leaders in the Government: Mr. Constantine Tsaldaris (Prime Minister and Foreign Minister). Was out of office during the Metaxas dictatorship. During the occupation was arrested by the Italians and finally had to escape to the Middle East to evade arrest by the Germans. Mr. John Theotokis (Minister of the Interior). Was under strict house arrest throughout the period of the Metaxas dictatorship. During the occupation lived on his estate at Corfu, and had no relations with the occupying authorities. Mr. Peter Mavromichalis (Minister for Defence). Absent from Greece and in opposition throughout the Metaxas dictatorship. During the occupation secretly assisted British officers and men to escape from Greece to the Middle East, and had to retire to the Middle East to escape arrest. Mr. Stephen Stephanopoulos (Minister of Economic Co-ordination). In opposition throughout to the Metaxas dictatorship. Had no relations with the occupying authorities during the occupation.—Yours faithfully, A. A. PALLIS,
Director of the Greek Department of Information. 6, Aldford House, Park Street, W.r.