While A U.n.o. Committee; And A Great Many Other People
in different places, are arguing about the political regime in Spain a move is in progress, I am very glad to hear, to spread some knowledge of Spanish culture in Britain, as......
If The Audience Which Listened With Admiration To Mr. R.
A. Butler's Presidential address to the Modern Language Association last Saturday had known that in his article in the Observer the next day he would be referring to " the......
Methods Of Diplomacy
P ERSONS in this country who take pleasure in pessimism (a by no means inconsiderable class) can find abundance to satisfy them as they survey the foreign field today. Quite......
You May Call Them Errata Or You May Call Them
corrigenda ; the prick of conscience is there in either case. (r) The Oxford Group specialises in moral re-armament, not moral disarmament. (Not very much prick.) (2) Lay......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE Prime Minister's statement on Wednesday on methods of consultation of the Dominions is more important than seemed to be generally appreciated—or appreciated even by the......
The Neatest And Aptest Wit In The House Of Commons
is un- questionably Mr. Oliver Stanley. The all-night sitting on Tuesday was brightened by one evidence of that. The Solicitor-General, Sir Frank Soskice, had been insisting......
Mr. Churchill Announced On Monday That He Had Been Told
by his doctor that he must go slow. On Tuesday he proceeded to go slow. Acknowledging the presentation of the freedom of the City of Westminster, he delivered a general......