" A Translated Classic "
Sta,—While thanking you for taking notice of my book, may I point out that your review contains two statements that are obviously incorrect? Your reviewer says that what I tell......
" Controlling Atomic Power "
SIR,—In view of the importance which you attribute to the problem of the Control of Atomic Energy, I .should be glad if you would find space for a correction to the note in your......
May Frosts The Apple Blossom Is A Glory To Behold
; but whether this is a prelude to a glory of fruit will depend chiefly on the weather throughout the first fortnight of May. Many fruit-growers hold that if the bloom is not......
Sra,-f--in View Of The Parlous State Of The Food Situation
in Europe, and the efforts being made by all the Dominions in this direction, it is a• little difficult to understand why dehydration plants in New Zealand; which formerly......
Premonitions Two Strange Examples Have Been Brought To Me Of
dogs crying in obvious grief on the eve of the death of their master, and as explanation a "sixth sense " has been involved. Such an explanation carries us no further ; but it......
Every Person Who Is Interested In The Broads Should Feel
a generous sympathy towards the latest scheme put forward in co-operation by the National Truk and the Norfolk Naturalists' Trust. This Trust, which preserves a dozen or so......
Snt,—it Is Odd That One Should Find Divergent Views...
from the same practical test. Dorothy Buxton claims that from personal experience mere hunger does not help clear thinking. I beg to state that the reverse is the truth. I,......
General Booth And Mr. Stead
SIR,—I honour greatly the achievements of General Booth, but. Com- missioner Lamb is not the first Salvationist to underestimate the value of what the Salvation Army got, and......
In My Garden
In considering the value of plants and shrubs, the length of the flower- ing period is often of forgotten importance. In our -order of merit 1 think Laurustinus would come first......