ISLAND ON THE RUN SIR,—Your editorial 'Island on the Run'
(May 3) is most encouraging and reassuring. Due to various suppressive practices employed by the Ceylon Government, a great many people outside Ceylon are unaware not only of the plights of the 800,000 stateless Tamils but also that of the rest of the Tamil population of Ceylon. One outcome of these measures is the exodus of scholars, university pro- fessors and lecturers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and graduates—just to mention a few—who were in fact fortunate in getting out of Ceylon before the govern- ment realised the loss to the country ! At present the government not only denies suitable employ- ment to the Tamils but prevents them from leaving Ceylon in search of a livelihood in other countries that are willing to accept them. Such is the policy pursued by the poltroons who, being drunk with hatred of the Tamils, nevertheless eyewash the pub- lic by purporting to mediate in the quarrels between other countries.