10 MAY 1963, page 12

Burking The Issue Michael Foot, Mp Little Europe Sir Tufton

Beamish, MP Facts about CND Peggy Duff Economics of Beeching Michael Lipton Politics and Sex Rev. J. L. Hooper Whose Prep Schools? B. C. Southam Pub Tales F. R. Leavis......

Sir, — Herb Greer ' S Letter In Last Week ' S Spectator...

answer. Here are some facts. Arthur Goss and Sheila Jones, who were chair - man and secretary of the National Council for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapon Tests and also mem -......

Sta, —` Men Of Ability Ought To Run Our Democrn,c51 For Us,

and provided they do it honestly and ele : ciently, it matters not a fig what their private l ive ", may be. ' Thus Constantine FitzGibbon summing 0,1' his argument in '......

Worthless ' Owing To Its Utter Confusion Of Econo Mic...

made to pay does not give a prima fa,c'! case, even on the strictest economic grounds, i °` and commercial criteria. In the same place, Sir 11 ; 0 , Harrod points out that ' the......

Little Europe

Sta, — Anthony Hartley ' s article (Spectator, April 19) is the best analysis of this problem I have yet read. I particularly liked the fact that he did not try to suggest......