10 MAY 1963, page 6

Spectator's Notebook

M Y colleague Queequeg tells me that the Anglo-American conference at Ditchley Park this week talked mainly of the impasse into which President Kennedy's Grand Design has got......

To Double Think

Even odder is the fact that people have not yet learnt that they cannot accept at face value the Communist account of any political case whatever. Over the years, trial after......

Taking The Prize

Mr. Vance Packard would probably call them 'planned irrelevancies': Dr. Daniel Boorstin, author of The image, created the phrase 'pseudo - events' to describe trivia inflated......

From Double Standards

The canting element in the British left is having a field day. It has been suggested that a future Labour government would lead a boycott against Spain because of the Grimau......

Small Planning New Zealand House, Which The Queen For- Mally

opened on Thursday, is by any standards an impressive building, despite a rather glass - eye quality of coldness. It is also an evidendY thoughtful piece of work. The regulation......

What's To Become Of Harris? What's To Become Of Harris?

Mr. Stuart Harris, whose Nude Reclining 19 63 in the Summer Exhibition at the Academy was' singled out by the art critic of The Times ,as 'perhaps the most striking of the......

Among School Children

From MURRAY KEMPTON BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Police Commissioner Eugene (Bull) Connor stood in the middle of the main street leading to the downtown area directing traffic. The......