A case of human sacrifice
Sir: I was glad to read in your columns Dr P. J. Smith's article (3 May) on supersonic airliners, in which he soberly set out many cogent reasons against these projects.
The threat of SSTS is the latest and worst example of the deplorable trend of our times —the progressive loss of human scale, forget- fulness of the real human values in blind pur- suit of technical 'advance' for its own sake. We, the people, have 'surrendered to other forms of pollution' (as Dr Smith says) because their advent was insidious. We need not surren- der to this one. We have been clearly warned of its anti-human consequences; and though it is a tough one there is only one neck to cut. This we must do by insisting on an unequivocal law banning SSTS from these islands.
We are in immediate danger of having all human considerations steamrollered out of sight by politicians apparently too feeble to check the inertia of wheels set in motion by minority interests. Before it is too late there must be a protest so loud that it cannot be ignored.
Let all of us who realise the danger, all those
who signed The Times advertisement of 15 January 1968 and all those who understood it and all those who understood Dr Smith's article protest and continue to protest to their MPS, and support and continue to support with finance the organisation for collating such pro- test, The Anti-Concorde Project, convener Mr R. Wiggs, 70 Lytton Avenue. Letchworth, Herts.
Michael Reynish 12 Hart Street, Henley-on-Thames