Abortion Ethics
Sir: In his article on 'Abortion ethics' (26 April), John Rowan Wilson points out that the BMA Council and the ma Representative Body often come to quite different conclusions.......
Im Migration
Sir: In a recent letter to the Daily Telegraph, Mr Patrick Wall, MP, seemed to applaud Mr Enoch Powell's infamous speech as a clarion call to Britons who have a pride in their......
On Racialists And Snobs
Sir: Sir Denis Brogan's 'Table Talk' will soon only be tolerated at the dinner tables of those leftist-liberals of your leading article. His arro- gance is beyond belief. He......
Sir: With Very Few Exceptions Few Gynaeco- Logical...
the NHS will operate on healthy girls or women to terminate a preg- nancy for social or environmental reasons. The new Act was designed to permit a doctor or nurse to opt out of......
Who Is Hamilton Man ?
LETTERS From the Rev G. V. R. Grant, Peter Moore, E. W. Swanton, Madeleine Simms, Professor H. C. McLaren, David Gullick, G. McQuade, Mrs Ronald Simms, Mervyn Samuel, Edward......