George's Bargain Basement
Sir: Your issue of 29 March has recently arrived in Argentina, allowing us here to read your leading article concerned chiefly with the future of the Falkland Islands. To read......
Sir: It Is Not Surprising Perhaps That Because The Issue
is not simple many commentators have failed to grasp the true significance of the decision of the BMA Council to recommend no change in the Association's ethical policy. I was......
Spy's Eye View
Sir: Mr Tibor Szamuely's review of The Young Stalin in your 29 March issue has me engaged in 'a massive rewriting of history to prove that spies had actually been running the......
Sir: With Very Few Exceptions Few Gynaeco- Logical...
the NHS will operate on healthy girls or women to terminate a preg- nancy for social or environmental reasons. The new Act was designed to permit a doctor or nurse to opt out of......
The Onlie Begetter
Sir: I have been interested in the disagreement in your columns (Letters, 19 April) over the origin of the slogan 'Life's better with the Conservatives : Don't let Labour ruin......
Shop Floor Directors
Sir : In his article on 'Shop floor directors' in the iron and steel industry (26 April), Lord Melchett expresses the hope that the employee directors will bring to the group......