Sinister stance
Sir: The 'demented' thing was to refuse Russia's offers of alliance and then to guarantee Eastern European countries for which we could do nothing.
It is Mr Rees who is confused about 'resist- ance to aggression' and 'starting a war' (Letters, 3 May). The basic reason for the muddles, which I tried to analyse in Editor, was that effective resistance to Hitler before 1939 in- volved 'starting a war.' This almost everyone in England found impossible.
Secondly, I should not have thought anyone could seriously deny that Britain was only on the winning side in the war because Germany attacked the USSR. Mr Rees says that Russia. might well have been defeated if Britain had not refused to surrender. True, but still it was the Russian not the British or American armies Which destroyed the German armies.
Finally, is it silly to ask what British policy would be if a neo-Nazi Germany decided to make territorial changes—or should I say `aggressions/