10 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 20


WAR-omen, Nov. 9.—Cavalry--3d Regt. of Drag. Guards—Lieut. J. W. J. Gif- ford, from the 12th Light Drags. to be Lieut. without purchase.

7th Drag. Guards—Capt. C. W. Thompson to be Major, by purchese, vice Walker, promoted, by purchase, to an linen. Lieut.-Coloneley; Lieut. J. W. Wetherell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Thompson ; Cornet J. W. M. Walker to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Wetherell.

let Drags.—Cornet If. F. Johnson, from the 8th Light Drags. to be Cornet, with- out purchase, vice Robertson, promoted. 8th Light Drags.-11. F. Johnson. Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Reilly. promoted. 12th Light Drags.—Cornet F. Jones to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Gifford, appointed to the 3d Drag. Guards.

Royal Artillery —Capt. E. Price to be Lieut.-Col. vice Dupuis, removed as a General Officer; Second Capt. N. S. K. Bayly to be Capt. vice Pnce; Lieut. T. C. Molony to be Second Capt. vice Bayly ; Capt. J. W. Doraville to be Lieut-CoL vice Wil- liams, removed as a General Officer; Brevet-Major G. Barstow to be Capt. vice Dom- sille ; Lieut. A. Noble to be Second Capt. vice Barstow ; Brevet-Col. H. Poole to be QoL viceOtway, retired on full-pay ; Brevet-Major E. Wodehouse, C.B. to be Lieut.- CoL vice Poole; Second Capt. G. Leslie to be Capt. vice Wodehouee; Lieut. H. L. Balfour to be Second Capt. vice Leslie.

Royal Engineers—Brevet-Col. H. P. Wulff to be Col. vice J. Gordon' retired on full-pay ; Capt. R. S. Beatson to be Lieut.-Col. vice Wulff; Second Capt. V. T. Mains to be Capt. vice Beatson; Limit F. H. De Vere to be Second Capt. vice Mains.

Infantry-2d Regiment of Foot—Lieut. W. H. Grimston to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fleming, who retires.

3d Foot—To be Lieuts. without purchase—Ensign F. Morley, vice Pope, appointed Adjt. of the Invalid DepOt at Chatham; Ensigns R. B. Leathern, E. Gregg, H. Parnell, and S. H. Heywood. 7th Foot—Ensign H. E. W. Rumbold to be Lieut by purchase, vice Coney, prom. 14th Foot—Erratum in Gazette of 26th October 1855: for Lieut. H. A. Burton, from the Northumberland Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Manaergh, read Lieut. H. A. Burton, from the Royal North Lincoln Militia, to be Ensign, &c. 16th Foot—Ensign 8. G. C.Hogge to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Parker, dec.; G. Street, Gent to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Rogge.

17th Foot—To be Lieuts. without purchase—,Lieut. A. R. Fowler, from the Cape Mounted Riflemen; Ensign F. H. Hartwell.

18th Foot—Lieut. J. Canavan, from the 52d Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Ward, who resigns. 19th Foot—The proper designation of Capt. Farrington is Donald, and not Donald Macleod, as previously stated. 22d Foot—S. Winthrop, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dean, promoted. 29th Foot—Ensign E. Gorton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Fitzgerald, who retiree Erratum in the Gazette of Nov. 2, 1855—For Sere:Major-1. J. Bailey to be Quarter- master, vice Walshe, deceased, read Ensign J. J. Bailey to be Quartermaster, &c.

31st Foot—Lieut. G. F. Herbert to be Capt. without purchase, vice Attree, killed in action; R. nsign H. P. Deane to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Herbert ; En-. sign R. Mayliury, from the Kerry Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Deane.

33d Foot—Ensign H. E. G. Crosse to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Carr, promoted. The commission of Ensign and Adjt. G. Toseland to be antedated to the 15th Aug.

44th Foot—Lieut. F. J. Henry to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-CoL Begbie, who retires.

96th Foot—G. A. Agnew. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Morland, pro- moted ; H. A. Whitmore, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Agnew, sp. pointed to the 90th Foot.

48th Foot—E. Hall, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 50th Foot—H. E. W. Preston, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Burnand, promoted in the Coldstream Guards. 52d Foot—Ensign W. Atkinson to be Lieut without purchase, vice Canavan, promoted in the 18th Foot. 56th Foot—Second Lieut. H. E. Watson, from the Ceylon Regt. to be Lieut. without purchase. 60th Foot—A. Tufnell, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 63d Foot—Lieut. J. H. H. Gammen, from the 22d Foot, to be Capt by purchase, vice Barclay, who retiree. 76th Foot—Ill. J. Macdonald, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Acton, pro- moted.

77th Foot—To be Cants. without purchase—Lieut. E. M. Long, vice Parker, killed in action; Lieut. G. B. Morgan, vice Knight, died of his wounds • Lieut. G. Carden, vice Brevet-Major Hackett, whose brevet rank has been converted into sub- stantive rank, under the Royal Warrant, 6th October 1854. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Ensign W. J. Wiuddyn, vice Long ; Ensign H. M. Bengough, vice Mor- gan; Ensign R. A. Rising, vice Carden; Ensign B. H. Browne, vice Ennis, who re- signs. To be Ensigns, without purchase—Lieut. C. P. Stone, from the Cavan Mili- tia, vice Wanklyn; Ensign W. N. Whitty, from the Queen's County Militia, vice Bengough; J. Wordsworth, Gent. vice Browne; H. R. Bate, Gent. vice Rising.

88th Foot—Ensign H. M. Gilby to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Browne, promoted.

89th Foot—To be Lieuts. without purchase—Ensign J. Dunn, vice. Longfield, dec.; Ensign W. N. Manners, vice Dunn, whose promotion, without purchase, on 23d October 1855, has been cancelled. To be Ens;gn, without purchase—Lieut. F. Warburton. from the to Warwick Militia, vice Manners. The promotion of Capt. L. Skyuner to a Majority, without purchase, to be antedated to 27th March 1855, but not to carry back pay. 90th Foot—Ensign G. A. Agnew, from the 46th Foot, to be Ensign, without pur. 91st Foot—Capt. J. T. Ling, from half-pay 'Coati. to be Capt. vice hliddlemore, who exchanges.

95th Foot—Ensign C. E. Fisher to be Lieut. bypurcbaee, vice Garrard, promoted. 97th Foot—To be Lieutenants, without purchase—Ensign J. W. Shaw, vice M'Gre- gor, killed in action ; Ensign D. J. D. Safford, viceGoodenough, died of his wounds. To be Ensigns, without purchase—Ensign R. Thompson, from the Monaghan Mili- tia, vice Shaw; S. W. Sewell, Gent. vice Safford. 98th Foot—Ensign W. Blackett to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Farrington, pro- moted in the 19th Foot; E. F. Gregory, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Blackett.

Rifle Brigade—A. It. Keene. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase.

Caps Mounted Riflemen—Ensign D. Mackenzie to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Fowler, appointed to the 17th Foot ; Quartermaster W. Simkin to be Ensign, with- out purchase ; Sergt-Major T. Argent to be Quartermaster, vice Simkin, appointed Ensign.

Royal Canadian Ryles—The surname of the Ensign appointed on Oct. 23, 1855, is Onion, and not Oman, as previously stated.

St. Helena Regiment—Ensign H. Tayler to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Corn- well, deceased.

Turkish Contingent—Sir E. Graham, Bart. to have the local rank in Turkey of Assist: Commissary of the First Class.

British German Legion—lst Light Infantry—Brevet-Lieut.-Col. A. von Hacke to be Lieut.-Col. Commandant, vice Murray, resigned. 3d Light Infantry—Major W. G. Cameron to be Lieut.-Col. Commandant. 4th Light Infantry—J. H. Humfrey, formerly of the British Auxiliary Legion, to be Major-Commandant ; W. D. Scott, formerly of the 51st Light Infantry, to be Major. 1st Light Dragoons—To be Cor- nets—R. B. Mackenna, formerly of the Austrian Imperial Cuirassiers; H. Bayne, W. H. Clipperton.

Hospital Staff—Acting Assist.-Surg. H. W. Bellew has been permitted to resign his appointment. Unattached—Major C. P. B. Walker, from the 7th Dragoon Guards, to be Lieut.- Col. by purchase; Capt. and Brevet-Lieut.-Col. W. M. S. M'Murdo, Director-Gen. of the Land Transport Corps, to be promoted to the substantive rank of Major; Capt. and Brevet-Iceut.-Col. W. W. Turner, 7th Foot, to be promoted to the sub- stantive rank of Major, under the provisions of the Royal Warrant of 6th Oct. 1854. To be Captains, without purchase, in consideration of having completed twenty years' full-pay service, ten of which as Staff Officers of Pensioners—Lieut. J. A. Hickson, half-pay, 81st Foot; Lieut. J. Lawson, half-pay, Coat.; Lieut. H. L.; Thompson to be transferred from the 68th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, to be a Capt. in the Royal Army, in consideration of his services under Major-Gen. Williams, in the defence of Kars.

Staff—G. Follenino to be Capt. and Brigade-Major of British German Legion.

BREVET — COI. C. Otway, on retired full-pay list of the Royal Artillery, to be Major-Gen. the rank being honorary only. Major Walter C. Grant, late of the Mounted Staff Corps, to have the local rank of Lieut.-Col. in Turkey while attached to the staff of the Turkish Contingent. Capt. E. J. Ellerman, of the 98th Regt. being attached to the British German Legion, to have the rank of Major while so employed.

The names of the undermentioned officers were omitted in the Brevet of the 2d instant, viz.: To be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army—Capt. and Brevet-Major S. E. Gordon, Royal Artillery ; Capt. and Brevet-Major Hon. E. T. Gage, Royal Ar- tillery. To be Major in the Army—Capt. E. G. Maynard, 88th Foot.

Memoranda—Brevet-Col. J. M. Savage, on half-pay of the Royal Artillery, has been permitted to retire from the service by sale of commission, he being about to become a settler in Canada. The appointment of Acting Assist.-Surg. G. F. Hire to the Osmanli Irregular Cavalry, to bear date 12th Oct. in lieu of 26th Oct. as pre- viously stated. The surname of the Capt. appointed to the Local Rank in Turkey, on 16th Aug. is Stevenson, and not Stephenson, as previously stated. The Christian names of Capt. Spalding, appointed to Local Rank in Turkey, on 16th Aug. are Warner Reeve.