Iriissia In The North Pacific.
4 1rle .Bury, 29th October l855. Sin—There is a point relating to the last news from the North Pacific which I think will interest you, and to which it seems important to draw......
Topics Of The Day.
MR, COBDEN'S FACTS AND FALLACIES. MB. COBDEN has so often lent the weight of his single politied success to give substance to fallacious bubbles, that his authority has, in a......
International Copyrigiit.
Manchester, 7th November 1855. SIR—A few remarks made by Mr. Putnam, at a recent meeting of book- sellers and authors in New York, induces me to believe that the time has at......
German Opinion Of The English.
Sin—As nothing is so rare in England as just opinions or authentic inform- ation respecting the affairs and sentiments of the nations of the Continent, I venture to send you......