Among The Last Accounts From South Australia, There Was A
letter written by a lady of calm observation and sound judgment, from which we are permitted to make an extract. Speaking of an article on Prison Discipline in a recent number......
The Records Of The Present Week Give Evidence That Managers,
little aided by contemporary wit, have betaken themselves to a rummage of old stores ; and the result of their search shows that, as in the case of .Alad- din, old lamps may......
Medical Officers Of The Army In The Crimea.. Zesketh How,
Ambleside, 31st October 1865. Six—Through the pages of your journal allow me to call attention to the Medical Officers of the Army at present serving in the Crimea, the Sur-......
An Advertisement In The Journal De St. Petersbourg, Of...
1, an- nounces that Colt's revolvers have arrived in that city in " immense quantities,"......
Reins War.
THE PEACE AND THE WAR DISPUTANTS. Snt—I regret that you should deem me to evince a violent and bitter - for I value your opinion. The growing misery of the war, the dubious......
Jullien Began His Promenade Concerts On Monday Evening,...
Garden Theatre ; which he has fitted up for the purpose in the same way as at this time twelvemonth, with the addition of a new dress-circle: . of open boxes, projecting in......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANOZ, FRIDAY APTIINOON. Confidence in the monetary position of the country is increasing : towards the establishment of which, has been the knowledge, that the......