(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter 86 Caledonian 57/ Edinburgh and Glasgow
Eastern Counties se
Great Northern 871 Great South. and West. Ireland 101 Great Western 511 Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North.Western London and South-Western Midland
Midland Great Western (Ireland)
North British North-Eastern—Berwick North-Eastern—York Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-Eastern and Dover East India Guaranteed Great Western of Canada
East and West India London St. Katherine Victoria
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 31, for the week ending on Saturday, the 3d day of Nov. 1856. issue DitAl1SAILNT•
Notes issued 421,741,320 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,9841,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 10,741,320 Sliver Bullion HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) COKBBILLAND. Sisirarizto. Hay, Good 116s. to 128s. 118,. to 1201 Inferior 84 110 80 — 110
New 84 100 0 — 0 Clover 126 — 132 130 136
Wheat Straw 30 33 24 — 28 OILS, GREASE, COALS.
Rape Oil per cwt. £2 19 0
Reline . Linseed 011 2 2 9 Linseed Oa Cake per 1000 16 0 0 Petersburg Y. C 88,. 6d. to 69s. Od. Town Tallow 70s. 9d. to Os Od.
Coals, Hetton Os. Od.
Tees Os. Od. BRITISH
FONDS. (Clog ng Prices.) &turd . Monday. Tuesday. Widnes
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 8 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents.
Long Annuities Annuities 1885 Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 21d. per diem Exchequer Bonds 1839 India Bonds, 3/ per Cent 87i 88 874 87 184 208 LO dis.
Thurs. friday. 881 181
tita 851
208 208 226 2 7 981 981 8 881 88 67 88
208 228 981
817 2074
4 98 5 Ws.
(Last Official Quotation dur ng the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 6 p.0t. 671 French OP. CI- Belgian 41 — 991 ex d. Mexican a
Ditto 21 — Peruvian 41 Brazilian 6 99 Portuguese 9 - Buenos Ayres 8 Russian 5
Chilton e — Sardinian 6
Danish 5 — Spanish 3 -
Ditto s Ditto New Deferred 3
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders)...21 — 831 Ditto f Pillar& Ditto 4 — 93 Turkish 6 -
French 3 857. Venezuela 41 —
191 76
as 20
87 881
181 229 881 7 £24,741,320 BANZINO DEPAIRTKINT.
Proprietors' Capital £14,558,000 Rest 8,178,189 Public Deposits' 9,369,984 Other Deposits 11,604,200 Seven Day and other Bills 964.250 L24,741,320 Government Securities (inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity). LI0,201.176 Other Securities 18,365,648 Notes 4,644.465 Gold and Silver Coln 558,314 £33,759,603 £33,759,503 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts., BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard..E3 17 9 Foreign Gold inCoin,PortugalPcs 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 111
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 0 0 METALS. Pee ton.
Copper, Brit. Cakes. L126 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Ban.... 8 0 0 .. 8 11 0 Lead, British Pig.... 25 10 0 .. 28 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 0 0 0 .. 19 0 0
Wheat, R. 0. 0 tof.
Fine 0— White Old 0— Pine o —
New 82 —9 Fine 93—
GRAIN, Mark Lane, Nov. 9. 5.
Rye 51 to 54 Barley 38 —40 Malting 42 —44 Malt, Ord 78 —78 Fine 80— 0 Peas, Hog 43-46
S. s. Oata,Feed.. 26 to 26 Fine .. 26— 28 Poland ... 28 — 29 Fine .. 29 —30 Potato ... 34— 95 Fine .. 36 — 0 S. s.
Maple.... 48 to 60 White ... 63-66 Blue 60-60 Beans,Ticks 48 —48 Harrow 48-52 Indian Corn 40-45 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat.... 77,. 8d. Rye 50s. 2d.
Barley .... 38 0 Beans 50 0 Oats 28 4 Peas 48 3 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 70s. to 7134.
Seconds 83 — 68 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 0 — 0 Norfolk and Stockton 59 — 81 American per barrel 42 — 48 Canadian 42 — 48
Bread, 814. to 11 id. the 41b. loaf.
WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Nov. 3.
Wheat 80,. 3d. 1 Rye 51s. 3d. Barley 39 0 1 Beans 60 8 Oats 28 0 I Peas Si 3 PROVISIONS.
Butter—Best Fresh, 15,. Od. per dos. Carlow, 61.2x. to 61. 101. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 60s. to 551.
Cheese, Cheshire 0 0 Derby, Plain 0 0 Hams, York 0 0
Eggs, French, per 120, Oa.Od. to 04.04.
. f.
CArrna Beef... 3 0 to 3 8 to 4 2 .... 3 8 to 4 to 5 0
Monday. Friday.
Mutton 3 2 — 3 10 — 4 2 .... 4 0 — 4 —5 2
Beasts . 2,203 1,391
Veal .. 3 4 — 4 — 4 10 .... 4 0 — 4 —6 0 Sheep .22,470 3,170 Pork .. 4 4 — 5 0 — 5 4 .... 4 — — 6 2 Calves.. 193 243 Lamb.. 0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 .... 0 0 — 0 —o 0 Pigs ... 365 160 • TO sink the offal, per 8 lb.
Kent Pockets 70s. to 100s. Down Tegs
Choice ditto 75 — 120 Wethers Sussex ditto 70 80 Leicester Fleeces Farnham ditto 0 — 0 Combing WOOL.
per lb. ISlid. to 1514
— IS 10IS/ — — London Joint Stock.
751 London and Westminster 70 National of Ireland 931 National Provincial
61 Oriental 961 84 Provincial of Irelandse
Union of Australia Union of London — hire za- 21
es Aguas Fria Ditto (lt. John del Rey)
Brazilian Imperial Cobre Copper
3fiacetten Eons—
Australian Agricultural Canada Crystal Palace Geneve Steam
118 Peel River Land and Mineral ...
98 Peninsular and Oriental Steam..
Royal Mail Steam 191 South Australian 45 102 58 211 Australasia I 93 British North American 64 City 68 Colonial
Commercial of London 301
London 55 London Chartd. Bak. of Australia 18
1 401ex d.
63 7:1 24 30 661 261
138 1i
21 681 76 341 WIIITECNAPEL.
1101. to 120,.
72 — 100 0 — 128 — 138 24 — 28 GROCERIES.
Tea, Souchong, One, per lb. is. 1d. to 2s. ad, Congou, fine 1 0 — 2 4 Pekoe, Bowery 1 6 — 3 6 In Bond—Duty Is 66. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) cwt. 70,. Od. to 90s. Od. Good Ordinary 52..04. — 53s. Od. Sager, Muscovado, per cwt. 37.. 814.
West ladle Molasses 28s. Od. to 296. Od.