Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Percy Herbert will succeed Sir R. Airey
as Quartermaster-General of the British Army in the East. Colonel Herbert served with the Forty-third in the last Caffre war, and as As- sistant-Quartermaster-General to the Second Division in the Crimea
up- to the time of his appointment to the very important place which he will now fill. Colonel Herbert is a most zealous and intelligent officer, and we believe that his appointment will be universally approved by the Army.—Times.
A telegraphic despatch from Berlin, dated yesterday, states that "the Russian Government has issued special instructions to its officials, order- ing as many new recruits to be raised as possible, and of all ages from- twenty to thirty-six."
A Russian spy has been arrested in Paris. I hear important papers have been discovered in his possession.—Paris Correspondent of the Horn- ing Post.