On the other hand, the garrison at Reddersburg has been
captured and released, constant damage is inflicted on the railway, and marauding bands are still active in the neigh- boarhood of Bloemfontein, Aliwal North, Ronxville, and Vryburg ; while a strong commando is reported to be con- centrated in the neighbourhood of Ladybrand. To check these raiders General Baden-Powell is credited with the intention of trying an interesting experiment. "Two strong patrols will enter a disturbed district, and will immediately proceed to construct a strong bomb-proof fort, which will be provided with three months' supplies. As soon as the fort is finished a strong party, unhampered by baggage, will patrol the country all round, returning to the fort when necessary." General Baden-Powell's plan is after all only a reversion to that adopted by the Normans in controlling England. President Kruger, who was in excellent health on touching at Jihad, is expected at Marseilles on the 17th. Lord Roberts, the illness of whose daughter has excited universal sympathy, has, it is said, decided to postpone his departure for another month.