The Warning Addressed A Month Ago To The Public By
Lord Wolseley in regard to the " treating" of home-coming soldiers has been repeated and endorsed in a farther appeal from Lord Roberts. In the admirable letter which he......
The Inaugural Address Of The New President Of The Institu-
tion of Civil Engineers, Mr. James Mansergh, delivered on Tuesday evening, was of unusual interest. Dealing with the increasingly onerous responsibilities of 'the waterworks......
At The Meeting Of The Egyptian Exploration Fund On Wednesday
addresses were delivered by the President, Sir John Evans, and by Professor Flinders Petrie. Sir John Evans noted 'amongst the satisfactory features of a year marked by......
Mr. Brodrick Made His First Speech As Secretary-elect For...
at Godalming on Tuesday. It was rather an important speech, though it was a modest one. Mr. Brodrick asked his friends to reserve congratulations until he had done his work, and......
The Inquiry Into The Charges Brought Against Mr. Higgin-...
at Manchester has been concluded in a manner which will satisfy all who are concerned in the maintenance of a high standard of municipal integrity. Mr. Higginbottom, an Alder-......
We Note With Lively Satisfaction The Presentation To Mr....
Hunt, recorded in the Times of Monday, of an address, signed by a number of leading men, together with his por- trait painted by Sir W. B. Richmond, R.A. Whatever may be the......
The Declaration Of The Polls In The Twenty-eight New London
boroughs, which were incomplete at the moment of our going to press last week, may be summarised as follows C onservatives ... ... ... ... ... 826 Progressives ... ... 456......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Console (21) were on Friday 981.......