At The Same Time, Mr. Roosevelt, Governor Of New York,
whose vast popularity greatly conduced to Mr. McKinley's success, was elected Vice-President, and the elections for vacant seats in the Senate were filled up so as to give the......
As Was Expected, The American Presidential Election Ended...
6th in a decided victory for Mr. McKinley. Of the forty-five States he secured twenty- seven, and in the Electoral College he has 292 votes to 155. His "plurality at the polls"......
In South Africa The Laborious Task Of "sweeping' Up The
crumbs," rendered all the more difficult by heavy raid and violent storms, is being steadily pursued. Ventersbnrg has shared the fate of Botbaville; General Kitchener, command-......
On The Other Hand, The Garrison At Reddersburg Has Been
captured and released, constant damage is inflicted on the railway, and marauding bands are still active in the neigh- boarhood of Bloemfontein, Aliwal North, Ronxville, and......
News Of The Week.
T HE work of Cabinet-making has proceeded all the week, but Lord Salisbury is evidently hampered by the restric- tions described elsewhere, and it is not complete even yet. Mr.......
The Liberals Have Been Successful In The Canadian Elec-...
Sir Charles Tupper, the Conservative leader, even losing his own seat for the first time in his career. The event is worth recording, not only on account of the improved......
* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......