On Tuesday an important Edict was issued at Peking making
a rearrangement of the higher offices of State. The reform aims at keeping the old number of Departments, but uniting several minor ones and creating some new offices. A new Board of Communications, for example, has been established, a Board of War takes the place of the former Council of Army Reorganisation, and a new Board of the Interior absorbs the Police and other, Departments. In future, too, every Board will be under one president and two vice-presidents instead of the present bewildering multiplicity of officials. So far, the reforms are all in the direction of administrative efficiency. It is worth noting, however, that the new Board of Communications involves the transfer of the Postal Service from the Maritime Customs, which is a breach of the recent undertaking of China at the Postal Conference. A. further Edict has been issued dealing with local administra- tion. It is pointed out that the people are not yet ready for local self-government, but the Provincial Viceroys are asked to consider what steps may be taken towards that end.