The Text Of The New Hebrides Convention Has Been Issued
as a Parliamentary Paper, and was published in the news- papers on Thursday. The Agreement, which confirms the provisional protocol signed last February, is a development of the......
On Tuesday An Important Edict Was Issued At Peking Making
a rearrangement of the higher offices of State. The reform aims at keeping the old number of Departments, but uniting several minor ones and creating some new offices. A new......
News Of The Week * T He Wireless Telegraphy Conference At...
was con- cluded on Friday week, and the Convention was signed by the representatives of the Powers on Saturday. The controversy centres on Clause III., which provides that coast......
On Tuesday The American State Elections Took Place. As A
result, the Republicans still retain their control in the House of Representatives, but by a considerably reduced majority. In New York State most of the Republican " ticket "......
The Effective Ruler Of Morocco Is Still Raisuli. He Has
settled himself in Arzila, where he is hunting for lost property and restoring confidence, and has announced . that he will not leave till he is formally appointed Basha.......