CHIPFINGE.* ME. STANLEY WEYMAN'S progress as a novelist is an interesting and refreshing example of the disinclination of a popular writer to be content with repeating successes......
The Magazines.
OF the many articles written on the relationship of Liberalism and Labour, none is more illuminative than that by Mr. Master- man in the new .Nineteenth Century. After a survey......
Bunning Horse Inn. By Alfred Tresidder Sheppard....
65.)—Mr. Sheppard has already won his spurs as a writer of historical romance, but in his new book he shows powers far beyond those of the common historical novelist. Ho can do......
The Basket Of Fate. By Sidney Pickering. (e. Arnold. Os.)
—The beginning of this book is melodramatic and impossible. Be a man never so weak, he would hardly, while staying in Scot- land, venture to go through the Marriage Service for......
The Hearth Of Hutton. By W. J. Eccott. (w. Blackwood
and Sons. 6s.)—Mr. Eccott is a picturesque writer, but in giving a description of the '46 he challenges comparisons which are not to his advantage. If, however, one might take......