[To THE EDITOR OF TAR *SPROTATOR."] SIR,—In your review of Munro's " Translations " in your issue of October 27th the criticism on his version of "Pansies let my flowers be" seems beside the mark. The second viola is no mere repetition. Viola versicolor is the translation of pansy, the botanical term for which is viola tricolor (Linnaeus).
—I am, Sir, &e., FRANCIS ST. JOHN THACKERAY. The Vicarage, Mapledurham, Reading.
[Viola cannot be made to mean "violet" in one couplet and "pansy" in another, especially as the violet is taken as symbolising death, the pansy as symbolising death in life. The piece is really untranslateable, if, as doubtless is the ease. Latin supplies no available distinction.--THE REvilawian,j