[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The old-time hymn sentiments, together with the interchangeable tunes of standard metres, with repetitive phrases—in such collections as the Bristol or Union—lent themselves to the happy ingenuity of the schoolboy, who then bent his efforts towards getting his discovery adopted— at any rate, temporarily—by the organist. Here are one or two that well up from my own memories :— " My poor poll-, my poor poll-, my poor polluted heart." Or :—
"Catch this flee-, catch this flee-, catch this fleeting moment." To the line :— " Here like a peal-tent I stand" additional zest was imparted by the unwritten obligation upon half the school to sing in substitution for "penny," "tuppenny" or some similar alternative !—I am, Sir, &c.,
J. C. S.