[to The Editor Of The Srectaxon] Sir,—a Clergyman,...
bring comfort to the mourners standing round the grave, started a well-known hymn, expecting that others would join in the singing. To his dismay he was left to sing it as a......
Lord Birkenhead's Act.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sut,—May I be allowed a brief reply to Sir Arthur Underhill's criticisms, in your issue of October 20th, of my book on the Law of Property Act?......
Parochial Stories.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The old-time hymn sentiments, together with the interchangeable tunes of standard metres, with repetitive phrases—in such collections as......
Extracts From Letters.
Tim PRICE OF FERTILIZERS.—Mr. A. M. Gray, 08-70 Fen- church Street, E.C. 3, writes that Lord Bledisloe in his letter of October 27th is incorrect in saying that the price of......
NOTIIING more friendly, old, Man knows on earth than these Bright shapes that shepherds and sailors have blessed In fields : on seas. Yet millions of strange years They, set in......
ON PAINS WICK BEACON. HERE lie counties five in a waggon wheel. There quick Severn like a silver eel Wriggles through pastures green and pale stubble. There sending up its quiet......