The Theatre.
SHAKESPEARE'S "TWELFTH NIGHT" AT THE KINGSWAY. IN common probably with a good many other people, I wished that Mr. Donald Calthrop had not chosen Twelfth Night as the first play......
The Cinema.
SCREEN COMEDY.—II. The Beloved Vagabond, which is showing now at the Palace Theatre, is in all essentials a typical screen drama, except in duration. It is based on a popular......
POST-IMPRESSIONISTS AND RENOIR. THE LEFEVRE GALLERIES, lA KING ST., Sr. JAMES'S. THE examples of the work of Gauguin, Van Gogh, Toulouse- Lautrec and Renoir, which have been......
ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. By EVELYN WRENCH. T HE Imperial Conference devoted three days last week to a discussion of that ever-recurring and most knotty of problems, the status of......