The French newspapers received this morning fully confirm the accounts of the settlement of the Spanish Ministry, and the convoca- tion of the Cortes, for the purpose of revising the Royal Statute and passing a new electoral law. It is also stated, that a body of the Navarrese Carlists, who were driven across the French frontier, were allowed to return with their arms to the Carlist General, instead of
being conveyed into the interior. This fact is called "a serious comment upon the Carlist tone adopted by the Journal des Debuts" only a few days ago. The policy of Loins PHILIP'S Government, however, is now changed. The Journal des Diliats shrinks from defending its attack on MENDIZABAL; and Lows POMP has be- stowed the lucrative post of Chancellor of the Legioa of Honour on the Liberal Marshal GERARD.
The offence of M. RASPAIL, editor of the Rd'ormateur, whose con- viction under the new Jury law was mentioned last week, consisted in the publication of these words in reference to the Chamber of Peers-. " One must despair of a society which allows itself to be governed by such a power." Seven of the Jury were for a verdict of guilty, and five for acquittal. The article was published before the bill became law.