In The Boroughs Of Hertford And St. Alban's, As Well
as in the county, the Tory objections have failed, and the result has been a con- siderable addition to the strength of the Reformers. The Revising Banisters deserve great......
There Was A Considerable Muster Of The Liberals Of Great
Yar- mouth, on the 29th ultimo, for the purpose of presenting two silver candelabras, each valued at 2201., to Colonel Anson and Mr. Burn- bold, the late Reform Members for the......
Late On Saturday Night Or Early On Sunday Morning, Balham
Chapel, at Balham Hill, near Clapham, was sacrilegiously entered, and a large number of Bibles, prayer and hymn books, and other ar- ticles stolen therefrom. The thieves......
Amongst The Metropolitan Improvements That Are About To...
ried into execution, that in the immediate vicinity of the General Post-office may be considered one of the greatest that has been effected for some time. All the houses at the......
Ebt Country.
We continue our account of the progress of the registration in the country ; again premising, that the data for arriving at the comparative strength of parties, furnished by the......