Slavery In The United States.
FOR some months past the American newspapers have teemed with accounts of outrages committed on the advocates of the abo- lition of slavery, and of meetings in different parts......
Reform Of The Peers; Policy Of Ministers.
Tim following paragraph is extracted from the Globe of Wed- nesday. e We have little hope that ours, or any views of important madVication ut the structure of the Upper House,......
Topics Of The Day.
THE " FARMER'S FRIENDS " AND THE MALT - TAX. THE Tory candidates at the last election thought themselves won- derfully clever in cheating the farmers with the notion that the......
Political Religionists.
Iv is only within a veil- short period that the High Church party has pretended to such a vehement regard for the Bible. Most of our readers can recollect the time when fierce......